Useful properties of corn

Corn is a unique plant from which almost all parts are used. Young plants go to preparation of silage for feeding cattle, inflorescence of corn (stigmas and sticks) - a medicinal product for humans. Many products are prepared from their grains.

In addition to its nutritional and flavor qualities, corn has many beneficial and curative properties for humans.

The benefit of the consumption of corn is enormous, it is worth using as often as possible. Do not be satisfied only with boiled corn - the beans can be eaten in roast and fried form, added to salads, soups, trimmings, ragout, oatmeal. The small cobs are consumed raw (milk corn) and on the grill.

Maize has a high content of vitamin K, ascorbic acid and pantothenic acid, resins and bitter substances, essential oil.

Corn is useful because it includes substances like zeaxanthin and unaltered lutein. These are natural dyes and antioxidants from the very nature. If maize grains are well dried and ground, they will retain a large number of antioxidants.

Using it cleanses the human body from:

- toxins;

- slags;

Because of the antioxidant content, the use of cocci inhibits premature aging and acts as a preventive tool for heart disease.

In folk medicine, it is widely used as it has a diuretic, haemorrhagic, bile and calming effect.

Only the long filamentous stigmas of female flowers are used for healing purposes. It is used as a haemostatic agent for stones and sand in the kidneys, for edema.

In adolescent children, it helps to gain body weight and supplies vitamins and trace elements.

Corn starch is necessary for nutrition of nerve cells, so this vegetable culture should be included in the diet, especially for those who suffer from diseases of the nervous system.

Corn recipe and the consumption of corn oil for salad dressing are useful for stomach and intestinal diseases, and prevent the development of cancer and delay the aging of the body. It has also been shown that corn oil reduces blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

All the beneficial properties of the corn cob vitamins are preserved, even if they are cooked, since the grain shell does not decompose, which contributes to preserving